Personal Prayer Ministry

Personal prayer is a great way to submit life’s more difficult moments and challenges to God. Sometimes, the level of intercession, prayer, accountability, deliverance and repentance requires a higher level to receive freedom, forgiveness and a new life.

We are here to help.


The common areas where we find hurts and attacks of the enemy are:

  • Our relationships (family, friends, spouse, extended family)

  • Our spirituality (especially if someone has engaged in things of the occult)

  • Our body (through our sexuality and often through drugs and addictions)

  • Traumatic experiences

  • Harsh words (words from others and words we’ve spoken)

Please know that God’s grace has covered our sin. 1 John 1:9 states, “If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just and will forgive us our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness." Romans 8:1 reminds us, “there is now no condemnation for those who are in Messiah Yeshua." The purpose of recalling these experiences is not to cause shame or guilt in any way. The hope is to identify areas of attack–open doors to the enemy in our life–so that these areas can be healed and fortified. God’s desire is for you to live in freedom, and we are so honored to be a part of that process. We consider it a great privilege to be used by God as we pray for you.


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